Map layer tags

Map layer tags can be applied to individual layers in maps inside Dataflow documents in the hierarchy (see Add and remove layers).

Tags are created and managed in the Tags management screen in the Dataflow Configuration workspace (see Tags). Access to this configuration is granted when a user account has the role 'Dataflow/Tags'.

The main use of tags is to control the map information which is displayed in the Dashboard Map. For a layer to be visible, it must have at least one tag applied to it, and that tag must be a member of at least one map layer tag group (see below).

Each tag has a set of permissions which control the workgroups and user accounts that are permitted to apply or unapply the tag, and to view tagged layers in the Dashboard Map.

Each tag has style settings that are applied to map data when they are displayed in the Dashboard Map. These settings are independent of the style settings contained in each layer, which are applied when data are displayed in the document's map editor.

Map layer tag groups and the Dashboard Map

A layer in a map object inside a Dataflow document will appear in the Dashboard Map when a map layer tag is applied to the layer, and that tag is a member of at least one map layer tag group. The groups are configured in the Dashboard Map configuration screen (see Dashboard Map configuration (Map Layer Tag groups)).

You can use tag groups to organize layers that are related. It is then simple to show/hide related map content using the group's check box in the Dashboard Map legend.

Map layer tag permissions

The tag permissions are edited in the Tags management screen. Permissions can be granted to workgroups and to user accounts, however it is recommended only to use workgroup permissions and then control user access using workgroup memberships.

The permissions are 'Read', 'Update, Apply & Remove' and 'Assign' ('Full Access' means all three of these).

'Read' permission is required for a user to see a tagged layer in the Dashboard Map, otherwise all layers carrying that tag will be invisible, and the tag name will not appear in the map legend. Two permissions, 'Read' and 'Update, Apply & Remove', are needed for a user to be able to apply or remove the tag in a layer in the document map editor (at the same time the user also needs to have edit permission for the document, based on the combined hierarchy and version permissions).

Complex Attachment Loader

Map data can be imported in bulk to Dataflow documents using this loader. It is possible to apply map layer tags to a layer by specifying a map layer tag for an object that will be added to the layer.

For more information see Complex Attachment Loader.